Friday, September 30, 2016

Some here and there

After being sick the past week I haven’t had time to write a post on the things I finished before I fell ill.

Been playing around with a new monthly layout in my planner… I’m just not happy with all the work I have to put in every month and the general layout. I posted about my previous monthly layout here. My new monthly layout is a fold-out version inspired by DIYfish. I used a monthly calendar scaled down for printing from (I just need to find a sticker of some kind to cover the timeanddate logo in the top left corner Smile with tongue out)

Bilde 29.09.2016, 22.36.59

Bilde 29.09.2016, 22.37.14

Bilde 29.09.2016, 22.37.04

updated pictures of my new monthly layout

I see I haven’t posted about the change in my weekly layouts either…changed them a while back. So here is a picture of the layout I’ve been using lately…plain and simple.

Bilde 30.09.2016, 20.55.49
last week

I changed the weekly layout when I found that I just needed more space to write. As an early (or late) Christmas/birthday for myself, I bought me an Polaroid zip printer. So now I can hopefully print some pictures to my weekly layouts and have more of a memory planner touch to my planner.

You can read more about the Polaroid zip here, and buy it here (Norwegian store).

Memory planners is a concept that is fairly like scrapbooking – document your memories on a daily/weekly basis. All who know me in person know I’ve been scrapping for a while. So memory planners are just up my alley. (I haven’t scrapped for a while now….ever since SweetieL was born the day just isn’t long enough to do all I want and still get enough sleep). Heidi Swapp has some beautiful memory planners. Lots of videos about memory planners on Youtube. Like this one(by Heidi Swapp herself) or this one (by Tiffany Julia, her blog here).

- how do you document your memories?

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